10. A LET
A rally is a let:
10.1.1 If the ball served, in passing over or around the net, touches it
or its supports, provided the serve is otherwise good or is volleyed by
the receiver or his partner.
10.1.2 If the service is delivered when, in the opinion of the umpire, the
receiving player or pair is not ready, provided that neither the receiver
or his partner attempts to strike the ball.
10.1.3 If, in the opinion of the umpire or assistant umpire, failure to
make a good service or a good return or otherwise to comply with the Laws
is due to a disturbance outside the control of the player.
10.1.4 If it is interrupted for correction of an error in playing order
or ends.
10.1.5 If it is interrupted for introduction of the expedite system.
10.1.6 If it is interrupted for warning a player for a service of
doubtful correctness or that he has failed to notify a change of
racquet. If a player fails to notify the umpire and his opponent when he
changes his racquet , the umpire shall immediately report this to the referee.
On the first occasion, the referee shall warn the player; on any subsequent
occasion, the referee shall disqualify him.
10.1.7 If the conditions of play are disturbed in a way which, in the opinion
of the umpire or assistant umpire, is likely to affect the outcome of the