Unless the rally is a let, a player shall lose the point:
11.1 If he fails to make a good service.
11.2 If he fails to make a good return.
11.3 If he obstructs the ball, except as provided in Rule 10.1.1.
11.4 If the ball touches his court and then again the playing surface.
11.5 If he strikes the ball twice successively.
11.6 If he strikes the ball with a side of the racquet blade having an illegal
11.7 If he, or anything he wears or carries, moves the playing surface while
the ball is in play.
11.8 If his free hand touches the playing surface while the ball is in play.
11.9 If he, or anything he wears or carries, touches the net or its supports
while the ball is in play.
11.10 If, in doubles, he strikes the ball out of sequence, except where
there has been a genuine error in playing order.
11.11 If, under the expedite system, he serves and the receiving player
or pair make thirteen successive good returns.
11.12 If the umpire assesses a penalty point against him.