4.5 Equipment Definitions:


4.5.1 Ordinary pimpled rubber is a single layer of non-cellular rubber, natural or synthetic, with pimples evenly distributed over its surface at a density of not less than 10/sq. cm. and not more than 50/ sq. cm.

4.5.2 Sandwich rubber is a single layer of cellular rubber covered with a single outer layer of ordinary pimpled rubber, the thickness of the pimpled rubber not being more than 2 mm.

4.6 The covering material shall extend up to but not beyond the limits of the blade, except that the part nearest the handle and gripped by the fingers may be left uncovered or covered with any material and may be considered part of the handle.

4.7 The blade, any layer within the blade, and any layer of covering material or adhesive shall be continuous and of even thickness.

4.8 The two surfaces of the racquet blade shall be of clearly different colors, namely black and bright red, as defined in the ITTF Technical Leaflets.

4.9 It is the responsibility of the player to ensure that the racquet covering can be identified as an authorized brand and type and that the colors of the two surfaces of the blade are clearly distinguishable under normal playing conditions.

4.10 Subject to the requirements of Rule 4.3, a side of the blade not intended for striking the ball may be painted or covered with any material; but if a player strikes the ball in play with a side of the blade whose surface does not comply with the requirements of Rules.

4-4.9, he shall lose the point.

4.11 Slight deviations from uniformity of color or continuity of
covering due to fading, wear, or accidental damage may be ignored
provided they do not significantly change the characteristics of the surface.

4.12 At the start of a match and whenever he changes his racquet during a match, a player shall show his opponent and the umpire the racquet he is about to use and shall allow them to examine it.